*** ----> Bahraini MPs call for concrete solutions amidst contracting concerns | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini MPs call for concrete solutions amidst contracting concerns

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Mahir Haneef

Job stability became a topic of discussion during yesterday’s session of the Council of Representatives, with MPs alleging that Bahraini citizens are facing a lack of stability in their jobs due to the behaviour of companies engaged in providing workers based on contracts.

Jalal Kadhem Hasan, MP of the second constituency in the Northern Governorate, called for cancelling the supply of labour through contracting companies and said such a system was allowed at the beginning only to supply domestic workers.

Such companies are now even hiring engineers and doctors, the MP said. Contracts with outsourcing companies should be cancelled, and citizens should be hired directly to eliminate the problem of lack of job stability, the MP added. The urgent proposal to provide jobs to citizens who have lost jobs was introduced by five MPs, and it was agreed to by a majority of MPs when put to vote.

MP Muneer Ebrahim Seroor highlighted the plight of some families whose breadwinners lost their jobs during Ramadan. He called on the government to respond with a quick and immediate plan to hire those who lost jobs so that their lives and those of their families are not affected.

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