*** ----> Vote to extend pension benefits for children of deceased public servants in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Vote to extend pension benefits for children of deceased public servants in Bahrain

TDT | Manama  

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahrain Council of Representatives unanimously voted to extend the pension benefits for children of deceased civil servants, private sector employees, and military personnel.

The move, spearheaded by Strategic Thinking Bloc President MP Ahmed Al Salloom, marks a significant step towards bolstering social protection for vulnerable groups.

Highlighting the importance of social protection and ensuring a minimum standard of living for all citizens, MP Al Salloom emphasised that existing laws already guarantee such provisions, including pension laws that ensure financial support for the families of deceased fathers.

Under current legislation, children are entitled to receive pensions until the age of 22, or 26 if they are university students. However, legislators argue that this age limit no longer adequately addresses the challenges faced by young adults in today’s society, particularly considering the rising cost of living and the difficulty of securing stable employment.

The proposed amendments, presented by a group of MPs led by Strategic Thinking Bloc spokesman MP Khalid Bu Onk, seek to extend the age cap for pension beneficiaries. If approved, children would continue to receive monthly payments until they turn 24, or 28 if they are pursuing higher education.

MP Al Salloom emphasised the necessity of these changes, stating, “It is the role of the state to increase the period of entitlement to the deceased father’s pension.” He underscored the importance of supporting orphaned children financially, not only to ensure their immediate needs are met but also to empower them to pursue higher education and secure meaningful employment opportunities.

The proposed legislation reflects a concerted effort to adapt to the evolving socio-economic landscape, addressing challenges such as unemployment and inflation while striving to provide a safety net for vulnerable individuals and families.

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