Hardened stand

Iran is playing a big role in destabilising the Arab Gulf states, mainly after the nuclear deal with the west was sealed lately, said Bahraini MP Adel Al Assoomy, head of the Bahraini parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), before an international parliamentary convention. 

The session concluded in Florence, Italy, on Saturday.

Addressing the gathering, Al Assoomy said: “Iran is supporting terrorist organisations to operate in the Arab Gulf region, especially against the Kingdom of Bahrain.”

The MP stressed that “in line with the stronger ties Iran had established with the west, Iran’s support to terror and violence has been noticeably increased”.

“The Iranian decision- making bureau is controlled by extremists who tend violence. Iran is still supporting the operations of Hezbollah terrorist organisation in Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq. It’s promoting sedition and sectarian tensions in the whole Islamic World and the Arabian Gulf region in particular,” said Al Assoomy.

MP Adel Al Assoomy, also mentioned that “Iran isn’t showing any good intentions towards the Arab Gulf states and is attempting to export their so-called revolution,” adding that “it’s deluding the west that it has improved and became peaceful and positive, but it’s actually fuelling tensions in the region from under the table”.

“The Arab Gulf states are peaceful countries and respect their neighbours. It’s their rights to protect their people from Iran’s nuclear wildness. The world must act immediately to ensure a prosperous future for the region,” MP Adel Al Assoomy, stressed.

In his reply to a question on the rights of Bahraini citizens of the Shia sect in the Kingdom, MP Adel Al Assoomy, Al Assoomy said: “Their rights are constitutionally ensured, as all citizens who are living in tolerance, coexistence and social cohesion.”

This came on the same day that the Foreign Affairs Ministry summoned Iranian Embassy Acting Charge d’affaires in Manama Hameed Shafe’e Zad, following the recent statements which were made by Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution Ali Khamenei. 


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