*** Two dolphins, stuck in net, choke and die | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two dolphins, stuck in net, choke and die

Two dolphins were found dead and tangled in a fishermen’s net on the coastline of Karrana to the north of the island yesterday. 

A team from Supreme Council for Environment (SCE) Biodiversity Directorate confirmed that it was notified by a sailor about the discovery.

The team said the dolphins were 190cm and 200cm long respectively.

“They probably died because of the fishing net, which didn’t allow them to swim to the surface and suffocated them to death,” the team stated.

The directorate said that fishing nets abandoned in the seabed cause such marine disasters and kills sea mammals, preventing them from reaching to the surface to breathe. 

The directorate called upon citizens and residents to report any similar cases to SCE’s hotline on 80001112, so the council could respond quickly. 

DT News reported Saturday that a sea-cow carcass was found on the same coast by a resident, without much details on the cause of its death