*** Murder attempt: Court rejects teen’s appeal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Murder attempt: Court rejects teen’s appeal

A teenager will serve the next 15 years behind bars after the High Criminal Appeals Court has rejected his appeal in attempted murder case. The 17-year-old reportedly opened fire on police officers stationed in Sanabis on the New Year eve of 2015 in retaliation over the capture of his friend.

However, nobody was wounded as cops fired back before chasing the accused. The latter was carrying a bag, which fell down and later was found by officers as he fled the scene, according to court files. The bag allegedly contained five bullets, as well as 1000 Saudi riyals (BD100) and BD250. Investigations uncovered the involvement of the 17-year-old suspect in the incident, and he was apprehended.

“I joined Saraya Al Mukhtar group and I was communicating with them through BlackBerry. They were providing me with financial support and they were manufacturing tools used to attack police officers,” the teenager said in his statement.

“The tools were hidden in a graveyard and we went to pick them up. I bought the arm from a GCC national who came to me to Sanabis for BD350. On the day of the incident prior to the case, I got very angry after hearing that my friend was arrested. So I wanted to avenge his arrest.”

The indictment indicated that the defendant shot six bullets on the officers. The defendant was charged with premeditated attempted murder, possessing an arm without a license. The High Criminal Court has earlier sentenced him to 15 years in jail, and the High Criminal appeals Court has rejected his appeal.