*** ----> MP blames unsafe housing for deadly Al Lawzi fire | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MP blames unsafe housing for deadly Al Lawzi fire

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Residents in Ministry of Housing-constructed buildings in Al Luzi are in danger of encountering another fatal incident following the deadly fire that broke out in one of the residential buildings in the area on Saturday, according to a parliamentary member.

MP Hanan Fardan has called for urgent action to improve housing conditions in the Al Luzi after fire engulfed one of the housing buildings which eoncmposses 32 apartments and was dedicated for Bahraini families, claiming the lives of four people.

The fire has sparked concerns about the safety and living conditions in the area, particularly the aging housing units.

MP Fardan, who represents the area, visited the site of the fire and met with affected residents.

She listened to their concerns and emphasised the need for immediate action to address the issues raised, a statement released by her office revealed.

She highlighted the need for increased maintenance and development efforts in the area, particularly for the housing units.

“Many of these units are overcrowded, lack proper electrical systems and safety features, and have inadequate ventilation and emergency exits,” she stated.

The MP also acknowledged the visit by the Minister of Housing and the Minister of Social Development to the site of the fire.

However, she stressed that the Ministry of Housing must take concrete steps to ensure the safety and well-being of residents in Al Luzi.

Catalyst “This tragedy should serve as a catalyst for comprehensive and serious efforts to maintain and develop all housing units in Al Luzi without exception,” she said.

“The Ministry must also work to improve the infrastructure, safety elements, and overall requirements of the area.”

Moreover, she called for an investigation into the cause of the fire and accountability for any negligence.

She emphasised the need to address the issue of subletting in housing units, which often occurs due to residents feeling that the units are not suitable for their needs.

Meanwhile, she expressed her gratitude to the Civil Defense teams who responded quickly to the fire and rescued residents.

The teams, consisting of 48 officers and personnel, deployed seven vehicles to extinguish the blaze.