*** ----> GCC man dropped baby repeatedly, caused brain bleed, Doctor tells court in infant murder case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GCC man dropped baby repeatedly, caused brain bleed, Doctor tells court in infant murder case

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

In a heart-breaking revelation, the forensic doctor who examined the corpse of a six-month infant uncovered distressing findings during his testimony before the High Criminal Court.

In this case a Gulf national and three women are charged with intentionally killing the child in an apartment. The evidence presented by the forensic doctor shed light on the tragic cause of death for an innocent infant, linking it directly to the discovered injuries on the tiny body.

The doctor’s testimony unveiled the harrowing truth that the child had suffered from intracranial hemorrhage, a devastating injury that ultimately proved fatal.

What made this revelation even more chilling was the doctor’s solemn assertion that the injury was highly unlikely to have been caused by a solid object or impact with the ground, except in one haunting scenario - intentional dropping rather than an accidental fall.

Act of dropping

Furthermore, the doctor emphasised that the act of dropping must have been repeated, consecutive, and immediate, painting a distressing picture of the circumstances surrounding this heart-wrenching incident.

This contradicts the initial thought that the child died after the GCC national launched several blows to his face, causing internal bleeding which led to his death.

On the other hand, the first accused’s friend testified that the accused had a natural way of dealing with children.

“I had known for about three months that the accused had been assisting the fourth accused in caring for the victimized child, and the accused had never previously expressed any concerns about the child’s well-being,” he said.