*** ----> Bahraini legislators optimistic about united Arab action | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini legislators optimistic about united Arab action

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Several Bahraini legislators have expressed that hosting the 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain for the first time reaffirms the Kingdom’s commitment to joint Arab action, solidarity, and cooperation.

The Kingdom’s embrace of this event is a strategic play to bolster Arab capabilities to tackle the headwinds of regional and international challenges.

It is a philosophy championed by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, with the support of His Royal Highness Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

Hosting the Arab Summit also underscores the status and credibility that Bahrain enjoys in the Arab world.

The 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain heralds a new dawn of unity and progress for the Arab world signalling a future where cooperation and solidarity are the cornerstones of a prosperous and stable region.

His Excellency Ahmed Al-Musallam, Speaker of the Council of Representatives, emphasised that the summit is exceptional and not merely a media appearance.

Considerable influence

He stressed that its statements and decisions will wield considerable influence on the global stage, particularly given the current sensitivity and unfolding events in Gaza.

“Bahrain has consistently been a trailblazer in the Arab world, actively seeking substantial solutions to the region’s most pressing issues and beyond,” Speaker Al-Musallam affirmed.

His Excellency Mr. Ali AlSaleh, Chairman of the Shura Council, echoed these sentiments, commending Bahrain’s remarkable track record of initiatives aimed at strengthening Arab efforts.

These include the Kingdom’s embrace of the Joint Arab Bourse project, His Majesty the King’s initiative to establish an Arab court for human rights, and His Majesty the King’s call to develop intra-Arab trade and achieve Arab economic integration.

Arab strategies

He further remarked , “Amidst the ongoing developments in Gaza, the summit will prioritise deliberations on the Palestinian plight, the quintessential Arab issue, as it remains a pivotal element for stability in the Arab territory.

Furthermore, the discourse on collaborative Arab strategies is crucial in mitigating external meddling in Arab nations’ internal matters, and the unequivocal rejection of any support for the establishment of armed factions and militias beyond the jurisdiction of state entities is of utmost significance.”

Shura Member Mr. Redha Munfaredi stated, “Selecting Bahrain as the host nation for the Arab Summit exemplifies a resolute commitment to peace as a cornerstone of strategic advancement, aimed at fostering Arab cooperation and solidarity across all domains.”

He lauded Bahrain’s distinguished reputation as an oasis of peace and its relentless efforts to propagate a culture of tolerance and coexistence among diverse religious and sectarian communities, a noble aspiration shared by all Arab nations.

Profound aspirations

Shura member Hesham Alqassab stated, “We have profound aspirations that the outcomes and resolutions of this summit will indelibly fortify joint Arab cooperation across all domains, with particular emphasis on the economic arena.

Through redoubled endeavours to refine our economic framework and augment joint Arab economic capabilities on both regional and international stages, we seek to usher in an era of unprecedented prosperity and development for all Arab peoples.”

H.E. Ejlal Bubshait, member of the Shura Council, stated, “The prevailing challenges can only be surmounted through solidarity, prioritising the collective welfare above individual gains, and devising tangible, pragmatic solutions for implementation on the ground.”