*** ----> Modernise education system for job market relevance: MP | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Modernise education system for job market relevance: MP

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Dr Muneer Seroor, a Member of Parliament, has emphasised the critical need for Bahrain to continue adapting its education system to match current trends, ensuring its alignment with the demands of modern employment sectors.

He said this as he offered commendation to the Ministry of Education for its proactive and flexible strategies, underscoring his confidence in the Kingdom’s educational framework, particularly under the leadership of Minister Dr. Mohammed Juma. Dr. Seroor also urged for continued financial support to enhance infrastructure, develop new programs, and enhance staff skills.

Emphasising the ongoing enhancement of private education to meet evolving job market demands, he highlighted the Ministry’s initiatives that have received positive feedback from parents and the wider community, evident through active engagement on social media platforms.

He said the Ministry’s commitment to maintaining high educational standards has resulted in superior teaching and learning environments, earning recognition with an award for the best Arab governmental social media platform.

In this regard, Dr Seroor highlighted several key achievements of the Ministry during the academic year 2023, illustrating its commitment to improvement and responsiveness to societal changes.

These achievements include the timely distribution of textbooks, the introduction of online support classes for final exam preparation, and the provision of training for thirdyear secondary school students preparing for English proficiency exams like IELTS and TOEFL.

Additionally, the Ministry’s swift response to emergencies, such as implementing temporary remote learning during the Sitra odor incident and assisting students affected by floods in Al Lawzi, demonstrated effective crisis management.