*** ----> Civil servants struggle to make ends meet: MP | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Civil servants struggle to make ends meet: MP

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A parliamentarian is calling on the government to boost the living allowance for civil service employees, stressing its importance in ensuring a decent standard of living.

MP Mohammed Al Maarefi has tabled a proposal for discussion, aimed at addressing the escalating living expenses faced by Civil Servants. Al Maarefi argues that the current allowance fails to adequately cover the needs of employees and their families, particularly amidst rising inflation and the recent increase in VAT to 10%.

“Many families are struggling to make ends meet,” he notes, emphasizing the necessity of adjusting the allowance to align with these economic shifts and provide relief to affected families.

In support of his stance, the MP references Article 13 of the Bahraini Constitution, which mandates the state to provide employment opportunities for citizens under fair conditions.

Additionally, he highlights Article 12 of Decree No. 77 of 2013, which outlines the salaries and benefits for civil service employees, including a cost of living allowance ranging from 85 to 100 Bahraini dinars per month based on specified criteria.

Despite Al Maarefi’s efforts, it remains uncertain whether his proposal will garner government approval.