*** ----> Abu Subh Coast and Diraz Park to undergo comprehensive upgrades | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Abu Subh Coast and Diraz Park to undergo comprehensive upgrades

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Residents of the Second District can soon expect remarkable transformation in their locality, as plans are in motion to breathe new life into key community spaces Immediate focus is on the overhaul of the Abu Subh coast and Diraz Park, alongside the expansion of sanitation infrastructure.

This came following discussions of Basem Ali Abuidrees, the Second District's representative on the Northern Area Municipal Council.

Present were Ebrahim Bin Hasan Al Hawaj, the Minister of Works, and Shaikh Mohammed Ahmed Alkhalifa, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture, Lamia Al-Fadala, Director General of the Northern Municipality, Dr Sayed Shubbar Ebrahim Al Wedai, Chairman of the Municipal Council of the Northern Governorate, and MP Jalal Kazem.

The meeting reached a consensus on multiple projects, notably the comprehensive enhancement of the Abu Subh coast in Diraz and the Diraz Park Project.

The redevelopment of the Abu Subh Coast in Block 544, Diraz, boasts an estimated budget of 62.9 thousand dinars. Planned upgrades include the renovation of parking facilities, asphalt improvement, traffic line demarcation, and the addition of seating areas, umbrellas, and waste receptacles along the coastline.

Furthermore, the project encompasses the construction of a football pitch, equipped with essential amenities, along with tree planting and irrigation system expansion to enhance the greenery.

Spanning approximately 5,960 square meters in Block 538, Diraz, Diraz Park is allocated a budget of around 33 thousand Bahraini dinars. Works include installation of artificial turf on the football field, a canopy over the children's play area, and solar-powered lighting.

Additionally, fitness equipment will be installed, while existing amenities, structures, and the playground will undergo refurbishment.

Addressing sanitation needs, Abuidrees confirmed that the Ministry of Works has initiated the design phase for sanitation networks in Bani Jamra, covering Blocks 537 and 531, with further expansions planned for Block 544 in Diraz.

Implementation of these networks is scheduled for the second quarter of 2025, promising improved infrastructure for residents.


Basem Ali Abuidrees, Representative of the second district