*** ----> Bahrain promotes cultural unity amid online controversy | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain promotes cultural unity amid online controversy

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Council of Representatives First Deputy Speaker, MP Abdul Nabi Salman, has reaffirmed Bahrain’s commitment to being a land of coexistence, love, and pluralism for all its diverse ethnic groups.

In a statement issued yesterday, MP Salman expressed admiration for the Kingdom’s cultural diversity, emphasising its importance as a source of strength.

He extended appreciation to all Bahrainis, irrespective of their races and origins, acknowledging their contributions to the nation’s progress through hard work and dedication.

MP Salman was speaking amid an online uproar over a report by an independent news website named Erem News that suggested he referred to Bahraini citizens of Persian ethnicity (known as Ajam) as an “Iranian community.”

The misrepresentation sparked significant online debate, with many expressing concern over the implications for the Ajam’s place within Bahrain’s national fabric.

In response to the furore, MP Salman, addressed the issue, attributing the misunderstanding to a journalist’s intentional actions aimed at provoking discord.

Personal connections He stressed his personal connections to the Ajam community, asserting that any notion of disrespect towards them is contrary to his character and beliefs.

“The current dispute arose from a journalist’s intentional conduct aimed at creating controversy. As he resides beyond Bahrain’s borders, I am unable to engage with him directly.

My close relations with the Ajam are well-known, and I firmly reject any form of disparagement towards them,” he affirmed.

This incident highlights the importance of critical engagement with online information.

It is crucial to scrutinise statements and their origins before forming judgements, as misinformation can lead to unwarranted strife and damage to communal ties.