*** ----> Two UoB students develop e-smart system for houseplants | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two UoB students develop e-smart system for houseplants

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Two students from the University of Bahrain’s Computer Engineering department have developed a smart system that enables individuals to look after their houseplants remotely.

Batoul Sayed Ali Alawi and Zainab Hussein Ahmed, from the College of Information Technology, are the brains behind this pioneering project, poised to transform domestic plant care.

Leveraging Amazon Web Services, the system gathers and archives environmental data critical to plant well-being, such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and light levels.

This information undergoes analysis, yielding valuable insights into plant health and development. The project ’s originality earned it top honours at the College of Information Technology’s Graduation Projects Exhibition.

Its capabilities surpass mere data gathering, featuring a smart alarm that notifies users via email about watering needs or adverse environmental shifts that could damage the plants.

Website A specially designed website allows users to review sensor data and environmental conditions.

It also provides helpful resources like diagrams, tables, and guidance, supporting optimal plant care and promoting vigorous, lush growth.

The project came to life under the guidance of Dr Ali Hassan Ebrahim, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering.

Dr Ebrahim’s mentorship was key in bringing about the project’s success and ensuring its technical soundness.

This pioneering project has what it takes to make a mark on home gardening, making it easier for individuals with busy schedules or limited experience.

By providing real-time insights and automated alerts, the system helps users take care of their plants, turning any indoor space into a thriving green oasis.

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