*** ----> Bahrain, China forge space, economic, health collaboration in key deals | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain, China forge space, economic, health collaboration in key deals

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain and China have further fortified their bilateral relations yesterday by signing a spectrum of collaborative initiatives spanning crucial sectors such as health, economy, space science, and digitization.

These strategic pacts, signed during a momentous occasion, signify a robust commitment to mutual prosperity and advancement between the two nations.


Among the agreements was the establishment of a working group aimed at fostering investment and economic collaboration between the two nations.

This pact, signed by Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Minister of Finance and National Economy, and Wang Wentao, the Minister of Commerce of China. will explore avenues for enhancing economic, technical, and commercial ties.

Mumtalakat, CIC

Additionally, Shaikh Salman, serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mumtalakat Company, joined hands with Peng Chun, Chairman and CEO of the China Investment Corporation, to explore potential investment opportunities between Mumtalakat Holding Company and CIC.

Health, Medical science

Another agreement focused on strengthening Bahrain-China relations in health, medical sciences, and healthcare. Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Lei Haichao, the Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group of the National Health Commission of China.

were the signatories of this deal.

Industrial zones, eCommerce, Digital economy

Furthermore, Abdullah bin Adel Fakhro, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, signed a memorandum of understanding with Jin Chuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, emphasising cooperation in industrial zones.

Subsequently, Fakhroo, along with Wang Wentao, the Minister of Commerce, entered into agreements to boost e-commerce and digital economy cooperation, aligning with the 14th five-year plan (2021-2025) and long-term goals until 2035.


Efforts to enhance Bahrain’s outer space exploration ventures were solidified with a pact signed by Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, the Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Zhang Kejian, the Director of the China National Space Administration.

This collaboration also entails organising training programmes in space science, technology, and applications.

China Media Group, Peking University

Additionally, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah sealed agreements with Fu Hua, the President of Xinhua News Agency, Shen Haixiong, the President of China Media Group, and Gong Qihuang, the President of Peking University.

These agreements aim to bolster cooperation in news and information exchange and establish strategic collaboration between Bahrain Technical College (Bahrain Polytechnic) and Peking University across various fields and strengthen academic cooperation.