*** ----> 154 violators of labour law deported this week after inspections: LMRA | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

154 violators of labour law deported this week after inspections: LMRA

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

In a decisive move against illegal employment practices, Bahrain's Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) has undertaken a sweeping series of inspections, surpassing a thousand visits within a single week. This effort culminated in the arrest of 50 workers and the deportation of 154 individuals found in violation.
Between the 26th of May and the 1st of June 2024, the LMRA executed 1,192 inspections and campaigns, targeting commercial establishments across all governorates. These operations uncovered numerous breaches of both the Labour Market Regulatory Authority Law and the Residency Law, prompting immediate legal action.
In this endeavour, the LMRA collaborated extensively with other government bodies, notably the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Joint inspection campaigns were diligently conducted across the Capital Governorate, Muharraq Governorate, the Northern Governorate, and the Southern Governorate.
The LMRA has emphasised its sustained efforts in conjunction with government agencies to combat illegal practices and irregular employment within the labour market. The Authority calls upon the public to report any labour market violations or irregular employment through their website (www.lmra.gov.bh), call centre at 17506055, or the National Suggestions and Complaints System (Tawasul).