*** ----> Public Prosecution uncovers social insurance fraud exceeding BD266,000 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Public Prosecution uncovers social insurance fraud exceeding BD266,000

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Public Prosecution’s accusations against three Ministry of Social Development officials reveal that the damage caused to public funds belonging to the Social Insurance Organisation (SIO) exceeds BD266,000.

This was achieved through the falsification of statements related to the “Khatwa” programme, claiming that they met the necessary conditions.

According to the Public Prosecution, the accused individuals allegedly issued over 70 false statements claiming that beneficiaries of the “Khatwa” programme were working from home, enabling them to unlawfully purchase years of service and receive optional insurance benefits.

An investigation by the National Audit Office revealed the fraudulent activities, prompting the Anti-Corruption Crimes Department to identify the involved employees and their scheme.

The Public Prosecution questioned witnesses and reviewed the fraudulent statements, leading to the arrest and interrogation of the suspects.

False statements

The first defendant, a retired employee, admitted to approving the false statements without verifying their authenticity.

The third defendant confessed to forging an official document claiming she was registered in the “Khatwa” programme while simultaneously working as a trainer for the Ministry.

The second defendant allegedly suggested and prepared the fraudulent document.

The Public Prosecution charged the first defendant with collaborating with a well-intentioned employee to forge official documents and aiding the second defendant in committing forgery.

She is also accused of intentionally harming the interests of the SIO by enabling beneficiaries to receive over BD277,000 in salaries, pensions, and allowances.


The second defendant, a public official, is charged with forging official documents and approving the fraudulent statements prepared by the first defendant, resulting in beneficiaries unlawfully gaining years of service and causing over BD7,700 in damages to the SIO.

The third defendant is accused of causing significant harm to the SIO’s funds by neglecting her duty to verify the validity of the “Khatwa” programme registration statements, enabling beneficiaries to unlawfully receive over BD266,000 in benefits.

The High Criminal Court is currently reviewing the case against the three defendants. Their court hearing will resume today as more details are expected to surface in this case.