*** ----> Two Men Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Robbery in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two Men Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Robbery in Bahrain

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The High Criminal Court has sentenced two men to five years in prison each for robbing an Asian man in Busaiteen.

The court heard that the defendants, aged 27 and 36, approached the victim and claimed to be police officers. They then demanded his identification, and when he complied, the first defendant snatched his wallet.

The victim attempted to retrieve his wallet, but the first defendant struck him in the face and the back of the head. Although the blows did not cause any injuries, they frightened the victim, allowing the defendant to steal 85 dinars and a card from his wallet. The defendants then fled the scene and split the stolen money equally.

During the investigation, the first defendant admitted to stealing the 85 dinars, while the second defendant admitted to sharing the stolen money with the first defendant.

The court found the defendants guilty of robbery and sentenced them to five years in prison each. The court ruled that the defendants used force to steal the victim's money, causing him fear and preventing him from resisting.