*** ----> Anti-Cybercrime Department Issues Warning about Instagram Account Scams and Phishing Emails | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Anti-Cybercrime Department Issues Warning about Instagram Account Scams and Phishing Emails

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The Anti-Cybercrime Department of the General Department of Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security has issued a warning to business owners about accounts and websites claiming to be able to verify their Instagram accounts. These fraudulent entities aim to steal money, bank account information, and Instagram account access.

The department shared the warning through its official WhatsApp channel, where they also cautioned against phishing emails offering to renew memberships or subscriptions to movie streaming platforms. These emails aim to steal users' banking information.

The department also highlighted the prevalence of paid, fraudulent, and fake advertisements appearing in Google search results. They urged users to exercise caution when interacting with such ads.

"There are a number of fraudulent methods circulating on social media that impersonate official government advertisements for the Kingdom of Bahrain," the department stated, warning users against engaging with them.

These continuous warnings come in light of the increasing number of phone scams targeting citizens and residents. Many victims fall prey to these scams due to a lack of awareness about proper procedures and official warnings. The methods used by scammers constantly evolve and adapt, making it crucial for individuals to stay informed and vigilant.

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