*** ----> Metal marvels and vibrant visions: Niju Joy's solo exhibit delights art aficionados | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Metal marvels and vibrant visions: Niju Joy's solo exhibit delights art aficionados

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

After a highly acclaimed 4-week run, Niju Joy’s solo art exhibition featuring a dazzling display of paintings and metal sculptures has concluded at the prestigious Harbour Gate venue in Manama.

The event was officially inaugurated by chief guest Mr. Abbas Almosawi and guest of honour Mr. Joy Mathews, chairman of New Horizon School.


Niju Joy, a self-taught painting and metal sculpting artist, shared his insights and creative journey with The Daily Tribune. “My artistic expression spans various mediums, including watercolours, acrylics, and oil paints, with a diverse range of themes and forms.

Being an engineer by profession, my inherent creativity and constructive mindset have consistently inspired me to explore different art forms.”


He went on to explain his unique approach to metal sculpting, stating, “Most of my sculptures are meticulously designed using scrap metal and leftover materials from various projects.

I also incorporate repurposed scrap wood pieces as integral elements in my sculptural works.”


Reflecting on the profound impact of the exhibition, Niju expressed his gratitude, “This extraordinary platform has provided me with great exposure and a truly wonderful experience to showcase my artwork to the discerning art enthusiasts of Bahrain.


I firmly believe that my metal sculptures have truly inspired and captivated the aspiring artists and the entire community here.” Niju’s parting message to all the budding artists resonated with a sense of encouragement and optimism, “Keep creating, and the world will recognise your talent.”

“The elegantly crafted metal sculptures on display during the exhibition were widely praised for their exceptional craftsmanship and innovative design, often requiring painstaking efforts and a selective palette of steel scrap materials,” he added.

The successful conclusion of Niju Joy’s solo art exhibition has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of Manama, further cementing his reputation as a versatile and visionary artist who effortlessly blends his engineering expertise with a profound artistic sensibility.