*** ----> Bahrain’s future leaders gear up for Youth Parliamentarian programme; 52 win selection round | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain’s future leaders gear up for Youth Parliamentarian programme; 52 win selection round

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Ali bin Saleh Al-Saleh, Chairman of the Shura Council, and in cooperation with the British Embassy in Bahrain, the European Union, and the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Youth Pioneer Society launched the seventh edition of its “Youth Parliamentarian” program last May.

The society began the first activities of the seventh edition of the program with an introductory meeting for the participants after selecting 52 young men and women from over 100 applicants.

These participants were chosen after passing personal interviews and a leadership personality test.

The society emphasized that since its inception in 2014, the program has successfully highlighted the potential and competitive abilities of Bahraini youth both locally and internationally.

The high turnout for this edition reflects the program’s importance amidst global challenges that necessitate youth engagement and empowerment.

The society also confirmed that the continued strategic partnership with several entities underscores the significance of the program in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which has achieved positive results on the ground.


The program’s general coordinator, Jawaher AlSenan, explained that the program consists of several stages. It begins with the training phase, which includes a number of workshops, followed by the practical phase where skills developed are put into practical action.

Participants will engage in roundtable discussions and visits to the Shura Council to learn more about legislation and decision-making.

This is followed by a familirisarion visit to the European Parliament for a number of outstanding participants, and finally, the concluding phase, which includes the eighth Youth Parliamentarian Forum and the closing/award ceremony”.