*** ----> PTA unveils sustainable solutions at New Horizon School during Gatekeeper workshop launch | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

PTA unveils sustainable solutions at New Horizon School during Gatekeeper workshop launch

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

On June 22nd, New Horizon School along with the PTA hosted the highly anticipated ‘Gatekeeper’ workshop at Zinj campus.

The event featured a comprehensive agenda that brought together educators and parents from both Zinj and Segayya campuses, and a team of experts from American Mission Hospital to address key issues and launch new initiatives.

Dr. Ankita Agarwal, the JKG class representative, unveiled a series of innovative sustainable solutions aimed at reducing the school’s environmental footprint. Dr. Babu Ramachandran provided an insightful overview of the ‘Gatekeeper Workshop’, detailing its objectives and the critical role it plays in safeguarding the mental health and well-being of students.


Dr. Feba Percy Paul delivered an engaging seminar titled ‘Happy Adults = Happy Children,’ highlighting the connection between adult well-being and child development.

The Chairman of the school, Joy Mathews commending the PTA and the school administration for their unwavering commitment to sustainability and student welfare.

The school Principal, Vandana Sateesh, shared insights on the successful implementation of various sustainability projects and the positive impact they have had on students.

In a heartfelt ceremony, the school recognized the invaluable contributions of several doctors and Nayanthara Salim for their support in promoting health and well-being within the school community. 

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