*** Mr. Yaser Alsharifi completes Harvard Business School Presidents’ Programme in leadership | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Mr. Yaser Alsharifi completes Harvard Business School Presidents’ Programme in leadership

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

Mr. Yaser Alsharifi, Group Chief Executive of BBK has successfully completed the prestigious Harvard Business School Presidents’ Program in Leadership, which is exclusive to members of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO).

Mr. Alsharifi fulfilled the program’s requirements under the guidance of world-class faculty and industry experts, as part of his ongoing efforts to enhance his professional and leadership skills. The Harvard Business School Presidents’ Program in Leadership serves as a lifelong learning platform for business leaders and has been developed through a strategic partnership with YPO, an esteemed organization for executives who reached leadership positions in major corporations before the age of 45. Mr. Alsharifi has been a member of YPO since 2013 and is part of an elite network of 37,000 chief executives and senior leaders worldwide.

"I am honored to be the first Bahraini alumni of the YPO Presidents’ Program in Leadership at Harvard Business School, marking the culmination of a rigorous nine-week program over a nine-year journey. I had the privilege of engaging in continuous learning through real-world business case studies, strategic business analysis in dedicated workgroups, and evaluations of current business challenges,” commented Mr. Alsharifi.