*** Bahrain Insurance Association holds annual meetings | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Insurance Association holds annual meetings

The Bahrain Insurance Association (BIA) convened its ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meeting on Thursday, the 27th of March 2025, at the Gulf Hotel. Present were representatives from the Insurance Supervision Directorate at the Central Bank of Bahrain. BIA members approved the financial statements for the year ending 2024 and reviewed the external auditors’ report and the Board of Directors’ report for the financial year ending December 31, 2024.

As part of the meeting, the Board of Directors of the BIA presented the key financial results and major activities undertaken throughout 2024. A key agenda item was the election of the new Board for the 2025-2026 term. The newly elected Board has convened and determined its positions to include Dr. Abdulla Sultan, Mr. Essam Al Ansari, Mr. Waleed Mahmood, Mr. Ahmed Sayed Marhamat, Mr. Bader Baqer, Mrs. Enas Asiri, Ms. Maysa Al Kooheji, Mr. Olaf Brock and Mr. Yahya Al Mukharraq. Following the meetings, the new Board of Directors held its first meeting for the new term, during which Dr. Abdulla Sultan was elected as Chairman and Mr. Waleed Mahmood as Vice Chairman.

At the conclusion of the Board meeting, the Chairman emphasized the continuation of the commitment to lead the BIA and its committees in achieving its objectives, which include enhancing collaboration in the sector, increasing public awareness, promoting best practices and implementing policies that support innovation and growth in the insurance industry. Dr. Abdulla Sultan thanked the Ex-Chairman Mr. Jawad Mohamed and Ex-Board member Mrs. Eman Mojali for their valuable and effective contributions throughout their tenure.