*** Fairway enters Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fairway enters Bahrain

Fairway Group, a Jersey-based trust, fund and pension services, has kick-started its international operations with the opening of its office in the Kingdom. The move into Bahrain comes on the back of the Fairway Group’s long and successful partnerships in the Gulf region, including with Emirates NBD in Dubai.

“We see Bahrain as a business-friendly, competitive landscape which is the perfect place for us to build our presence in the Gulf,” said Louise Bracken-Smith, CEO of the Fairway Group. Bahrain, he said, is their first office outside Jersey, which “is an exciting step”. “We are seeing increased interest in highly regulated international finance centres like Jersey, to provide additional comfort outside the GCC,” Smith added.

Bahrain office of the St Helier-based Fairway Group, which has £5.5bn of assets under administration and almost 100 staff, will be used initially to provide trust services to high net worth individuals and families, as well as corporate solutions. “The plan is to then develop additional fund structuring and pensions facilities in due course.”

Representatives from Jersey Finance group and several government officials attended the unveiling ceremony of the office located at United Tower in Bahrain Bay.