*** Bahrain, Hangzhou to explore opportunities | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain, Hangzhou to explore opportunities

Bahraini economic delegation on a visit to explore opportunities in cross-border commerce in China has signed major deals at the Bahrain – Zhejiang Business Forum in Hangzhou. This is in addition to the eight landmark agreement signed by the Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) delegation to deepen economic ties with Shenzhen last week. A senior delegation from EDB met with ZHANG Zexi, Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Committee and a number of local government officials and business leaders at the Bahrain – Zhejiang Business Forum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

The forum coincides with the signing of friendly cooperation between the Capital Governor Sheikh Hisham Bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa and Chen Weiqiang, Vice Mayor of Hangzhou. “Both Bahrain and Zhejiang have highly digitised economies. We believe a partnership with the Zhejiang government and local leading businesses, such as Jolly Chic, will help both Bahrain and Zhejiang accelerate digital transformation in the 21st-century economy,” said Capital Governor Sheikh Hisham Bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa.

“Hangzhou and Bahrain have had a long history of trade - since ancient Maritime Silk Road. Under the Belt and Road Initiative, we believe Hangzhou and Manama will have even greater opportunities for cooperation,” said Chen Weiqiang, Vice Mayor of Hangzhou. Khalid Al Rumaihi, Chief Executive of the Bahrain EDB, said that the agreements will pave the way to create a shared future for Bahrain, China, and the Gulf region.

“Being the region’s freest economy, Bahrain can be the ideal hub for Chinese business, SMEs and startups to access the numerous opportunities available in the region.” The Bahraini delegation will head to Shijiazhuang and Beijing as it continues to explore deeper economic ties with China ahead of the 30-year anniversary.