*** ----> Arab Ministerial Council mulls raising Palestine aid | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arab Ministerial Council mulls raising Palestine aid

Increasing aid to Palestine as well as implementing rescue and development projects aimed at mitigating the aftermath of the Israeli attacks dominated talks at the 21st Session of the Arab Ministerial Council for Tourism. The conference also mulled ways for rebuilding the stricken areas and providing support to overcome the financial crisis.

Bahrain’s delegation to the conference held at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport Headquarters located in Alexandria, Egypt was led by Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA), Shaikh Khaled bin Humood Al Khalifa.

The meeting discussed 13 topics relating to land, maritime and air transport including the preparation for the joint meeting between ministers of tourism and culture in the region which aims to build effective partnerships among Arab countries in the field of cultural tourism.

The heads of delegations also reviewed the latest tourism data and statistics with the aim of reinforcing the Arab Tourism and Sustainable Development Strategy 2030. In addition, the meeting also included discussions regarding the host country for 2nd Arab Forum on Tourism Statistics which will take place in 2019.

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