*** FedEx sues US govt over restrictions | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

FedEx sues US govt over restrictions

American logistics giant FedEx sued the US government on Monday, saying Washington’s restrictions on exports and imports due to growing trade disputes and sanctions created an “impossible burden” for delivery firms. The US has also sought to bar Chinese telecom giant Huawei from the American market and limit its ability to purchase US technology.

A statement by the delivery firm said the restrictions placed “an unreasonable burden on FedEx to police the millions of shipments that transit our network every day” or face heavy fines. The company said it was impossible for employees to determine “the origin and technological make-up of contents of all the shipments it handles and whether they comply with” US laws.

The statement was released hours after China called on FedEx to explain why a parcel from Huawei to the US went undelivered, in the second spat between the two companies in less than a month.