*** ----> Batelco names over 50 ‘Duel Game’ winners | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Batelco names over 50 ‘Duel Game’ winners

Batelco has announced over 50 winners in its ‘Duel Game’ activity, which is an online game for subscribers to Batelco’s ‘Fact of the Day’ Service launched in May. Scoring depends on the number of correct answers during the various rounds of the ‘Duel Game’, where the top scorer of every day, week and month is identified by the system and the winners are announced on the game’s website. 

At the end of the competition, a cash prize of more than BD5,000 will be presented to the user who accumulates the most points throughout the game. A reception was held at Batelco on Sunday when Batelco’s management met winners and congratulated them. Weekly winners are Khalil Ebrahim Dhameni, Seham Ali Mahroos, Mohamed Abdulaziz, Sayed Jalal Ahmed, Isa Juma Al-Sabba’A and Abdulhaleem Majed Aldhowaihi.

Monthly winners are Seham Ali Mahroos for June and Sayed Jalal Ahmed for July. The competition will continue until November 2019 giving participants’ lots of opportunities to win the big prize.