*** ----> Enhancing Bahrain, Egyptian trade ties | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Enhancing Bahrain, Egyptian trade ties

The Chairman of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Sameer Nass yesterday called on the Egyptian business community to make investments in Bahrain’s business sector. Nass highlighted the advanced infrastructure, investor-friendly laws, and strategic location of Bahrain making it a favourable investment destination and a gateway to markets of the region.

The BCCI Chairman was receiving the newly appointed ambassador of Egypt to Bahrain Yasser Shaban at Bait Al Tijjar yesterday. Nass expressed his pride in the historic relationship between Bahrain and Egypt and expressed readiness to cooperate with the embassy in all endeavours aimed to bolster trade and investment between both brotherly countries.

Nass commended the updated investment law of Egypt and hailed the strenuous efforts that resulted in reviving the economy and enhancing its attractiveness. He stressed the importance of holding events to raise awareness about the new investment law and keep potential investors informed of major projects and investment opportunities in Egypt.

From his side, Shaban commended the fast-paced development in Bahrain and the efforts of the Bahrain Chamber in empowering the private sector and supporting its expansion. He called Bahraini investors and business owners to partner with their Egyptian counterparts and invest in the major national and service projects in Egypt.

Shaban also highlighted promising investment opportunities in the health, agriculture, tourism, and mining sectors. Also present at the meeting were Executive Bureau member Basim Al Saie, Chief Executive Officer Shaker Al Shater and Deputy Chief Executive Officer Dr Abdulla Al Sada. Nass congratulated the ambassador on his appointment and wished him success in his diplomatic duties.