*** Alba, AGU renew deal to boost human capital development | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Alba, AGU renew deal to boost human capital development


Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), announced renewing its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Arabian Gulf University (AGU), one of Bahrain’s leading educational institutes, on Thursday at Alba premises.

The deal renews the existing MoU signed to develop Alba’s human capital through higher education, tailor-made training programmes and applied research in the fields of common interest mainly in business management. The MoU was signed between Alba’s Chief Executive Officer Ali Al Baqali, and AGU’s President Dr Khalid Abdul Rahman Al-Ohaly in the presence of Alba and AGU officials at Al Dana Hall, Alba.

Commenting on the MoU, Alba’s CEO Al Baqali said: “We are delighted to renew this MoU with one of the pioneering educational institutes in the Kingdom of Bahrain as we continue to develop Alba future leaders for the generation to come. Alba and AGU have a longstanding cooperation spanning more than 7 years as AGU has been our partner in developing our high potential employees via Alba-sponsored MBA programme.” AGU’s President Dr Al-Ohaly added: “This cooperation will provide the necessary expertise, competencies, and support for the young leaders in the Company, so Alba continues its leading position in the aluminium industry and enhance Bahrain’s competitiveness worldwide.”

It is worth mentioning that Alba has sponsored many high potential employees to attain their MBA degrees from leading business schools to include Arabian Gulf University through the MBA programme which is offered in cooperation with the French Arabian Business School (FABS) along with ESSEC Business School, France.