Alba achieves 10 million Safe Working-Hours without Lost Time Injuries
TDT | Manama
The Daily Tribune –
Aluminium Bahrain is on course to evolve as the safest smelter in the world with achieving 10 million safe working hours without Lost Time Injuries (LTI) yesterday.
Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Ali Al Baqali, said: “Achieving 10 million safe working-hours without LTI is no coincidence, when collectively as a team we do the Right Choice. Safety is not an act but rather a lifestyle for Alba employees and contractors’ workforce. Taking Ownership of Safety is key to our success today and emphasizes Alba’s objective of maintaining a zero-accident work environment within the Company.”
Alba recently held the Right Choice mini-SHE Campaign from 05 to 12 April 2021, which was a huge success, with more than 3,000 employees and contractors’ workers attending the sessions virtually. ]
Alba will release its fifth edition of the Sustainability Report by Q2 2021 post receiving, for the first time, Quality Assurance on its disclosure.
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