*** Bahrain Chapter of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India elects new leadership team | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Chapter of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India elects new leadership team

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A new executive committee for an annual term beginning today has been elected at the Bahrain Chapter of the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India (BCICAI).

CA Santosh T V (seated fourth from left) is the Chairperson and CA Sharmila Shet (seated third from left), Vice-chairperson, with CA Sthanumurthy Viswanathan Meera (seated fifth from left) becoming the Secretary, CA Vivek Gupta (seated second from left) the Treasurer, CA Gaurav Agarwal (seated sixth from left), Joint Secretary and CA Natasha Gopalakrishnan (seated first from left) Joint Treasurer.

The committee also includes the CA Arun Samuel Mathew (standing third from left), CA Radhika Zinzuwadia (standing fifth from left), CA Ekansh Agarwal (standing first from left), CA Abraham George (standing second from left) and CA Flenil D’Souza (standing fourth from left) as members.

The BCICAI is affiliated with Bahrain Accountants Association (BAA) in Bahrain. BCICAI is the largest organized professional body of Indians in Bahrain and has been in existence for more than 20 years with a current membership base of 450+ members. BCICAI members are employed across all sectors in Bahrain including trading, manufacturing, and service industry occupying key positions starting from administration to top-level decision-makers which includes CFOs and CEOs.

BCICAI is planning to organize a lot of new initiatives which will be beneficial for members as well as the general public in Bahrain. This year plan includes financial education programs for members of the Bahrain community, thereby increasing financial literacy amongst the general public.