*** ----> Bahrainis launch the world's first Arabic Metaverse | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrainis launch the world's first Arabic Metaverse

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Hz m Coin launched the first Arab digital currency for its metaverse world under the name the NEMO LAND KINGDOM, which will be a union of five worlds distributed between desert, plains, snow and water, and a modern capital from the future.

Point Nemo is a large area of the South Pacific Ocean located off the coast of Chile and used as a vast cemetery of space navigation equipment to accommodate remnants of outdated space equipment and missiles. Fakih pointe dout that Hzm is the first and most widely spread Arab currency, as it is on six global platforms, and plans are to reach 11 platforms.

“So, it is natural that the first Arab Metaverse world is one of its projects in addition to other projects that are kept secret for fear of their property rights.