*** Tamkeen gets GCC GOV HR awards for Innovation in Employee Engagement | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tamkeen gets GCC GOV HR awards for Innovation in Employee Engagement

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Labour Fund (Tamkeen) received the “Innovation in Employee Engagement in the Public Sector” award by GCC GOV HR Awards during the GOV HR Summit 2022 held in Abu Dhabi, UAE The GCC GOV HR Awards is the region’s most coveted recognition in the field of human resources.

The award recognises organisations and individuals across 20 specialist categories to honour organisations and individuals within the region who demonstrated HR excellence.

Maha Mofeez, Acting Chief Executive of the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), said: “We are honoured to be recognised among leading organisations in the region and will continue to work to present exemplary levels in human capital management and lead by example to represent the Kingdom of Bahrain both regionally and internationally.”

Eman Al-Sharif, Executive Director of Talent and Facilities Management, stated: “We will continue to utilise the best practices and latest advancements in the human capital management to maintain a productive and healthy work environment in  Tamkeen.”