*** ----> Indian food and agri products business delegation visits Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian food and agri products business delegation visits Bahrain

TDT | Manama                     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A 40-member Indian delegation representing 21 food and agri business companies and three farmer producer organisations, led by Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), visited Bahrain from 2 to 3 November.

The visit was aimed at exploring possibilities of further expanding trade and investment relations between the two countries in this important sector. It is one of the largest ever Indian business delegation in this sector visiting Bahrain.

The Embassy of India, in partnership with Bahrain India Society, organised a networking and B2B meet on 2 November for the visiting delegation. It was attended by H.E. Mr. Mohamed Al Kooheji, Second Vice Chairman of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BCCI), Mr. Abdulrahman Juma, Chairman of Bahrain India Society, Mr. Ahmed Sultan, Executive Director, Bahrain Economic Development Board, Mr. Faisal Al Sari, Chief of Food Control Section, Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Bahrain, and more than 100 senior officials, and Indian and Bahraini businessmen.


During the event, Bahrain Economic Development Board gave a presentation about incentives and benefits offered by Bahrain for establishing production units, businesses/joint ventures in Bahrain and for making Bahrain hub for expanding their business to entire Gulf and MENA region.

The Kingdom’s Ministry of Health also gave a presentation about sanitary and phytosanitary measures, food licensing, packaging and labelling requirements in Bahrain related to import of food articles.

Speaking on the occasion, H.E. Ambassador Piyush Srivasatava said that India aspires to turn the traditional trading relations in this sector into a strategic one and intends to be a partner of Bahrain towards its food security efforts.

He highlighted significant opportunities for investment in food parks in India, and Government of India’s focus on ensuring seamless quality certification of products to be exported, for which the government has recognised 220 labs across India to provide services of testing to a wide range of products and exporters.

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