*** Inspirational Employee of the Year: Alba CEO honours seven | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Inspirational Employee of the Year: Alba CEO honours seven

TDT | Manama                             

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com   

Aluminium Bahrain (Alba)’s CEO Ali Al Baqali awarded seven national employees with ‘Inspirational Employee of the Year’ Award for 2022 during a ceremony that was held yesterday at Alba’s Oasis Hall.

The awardees Saad Hassan of Fire and Security (SHE Group), Hasan Hamza of IT, Nahed Salman of Power Station 5, Nabeel Mohammed of Carbon 3&4 Operations, Talib Al Asmawi of Reduction Line 3, Sara Al Matooq of Engineering and Mohammed Hassan of Casthouse 2 Operations were recognised for their efforts towards making a positive impact at the workplace as well as the society.

Launched in 2020, the Award aims to recognise employees who set an example for their peers in various areas including Safety performance, in-house coaching and training efforts, as well as social initiatives outside the workplace.

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