*** ----> NMS adjudged “Outstanding” by BQA | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

NMS adjudged “Outstanding” by BQA

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The New Millennium School- Bahrain has attained the glory of being the first and the only CBSE school to be adjudged “OUTSTANDING” by the Education & Training Quality Authority, Kingdom of Bahrain.

In all the five aspects including, Academic Achievement, Personal Development and Social Responsibility, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Empowerment and meeting special needs, Leadership, Management and Governance, the school has been rated ‘OUTSTANDING’.

The BQA review was conducted in the month of May,2023, where the school has been granted the “GOLDEN” BQA seal in recognition of its excellence. School Principal, Arun Kuumar Sharma, Chairman Padmashri Dr. Ravi Pillai and Managing Director Geetha Pillai congratulated and felicitated the entire NMS team.