*** Middle East cyber security market to hit $10 billion | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Middle East cyber security market to hit $10 billion

The Middle East cyber security market is expected to value $10 billion by 2020, from its 2014 level of $5.7bn, according to global research firm Frost & Sullivan.

The surge in demand for information security-related products in the Middle East has drawn the attention of international providers, many of which will be out in full force at Intersec 2016, the world’s leading trade show for security, safety, and fire protection.

Information Security is the fastest-growing section at Intersec, which takes place for the 18th time from January 17-19 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

“Government and private institutions alike understand that security is no longer just about buying decent locks, installing CCTV, and ensuring confidential papers aren’t left in company photocopiers,” said CEO of Messe Frankfurt Middle East Ahmed Pauwels.

“Cyber-attacks are harder to defend against than physical break-ins, and can do far more damage, whether stealing intellectual property, leaving an organisation’s reputation in tatters, or effecting its ability to serve its customers – all of which have a big impact on the bottom line,” he added.

The new section was introduced in 2015 by Messe Frankfurt Middle East in response to nearly half of the 27,000 trade buyers throughout the wider region.

In response, major names such as American-based Dell Software, Infosec from France, and German players Antago, Rittal, and G Data Software are among dozens of companies in 2016 that will ensure the section will double in size over the previous year.

G Data, one of the world’s oldest antivirus software providers is a debut exhibitor at Intersec 2016, and will showcase its full range of enterprise products, including Antivirus Business, Client Security Business, End Point Protections, and Patch Management.

International Sales Manager at G Data Software, Zein Saeima, highlighted the importance for Middle East organisations to safeguard against the growing threat of cyber-crimes, with mobile computing becoming a target for malicious hackers.

“Mobile computing is growing day after day and mobile security is becoming a need,” said Saeima. “This is why lately we focused on developing our products to deliver reliable and high security levels for mobile devices both on the individual and enterprise level.

Elsewhere, Rittal, a leading international supplier of ICT software and security solutions, will be at Intersec 2016 with a full suite physical security systems for IT infrastructure.

“Exposing IT equipment and data centres to physical threats pose a great danger to data and the critical business continuity linked to this data,” said Managing Director at Rittal Middle East Joseph Najjar.