*** Sonia Janahi calls for collaboration between ILO and Arab Labor Organization | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sonia Janahi calls for collaboration between ILO and Arab Labor Organization

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Member of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sonia Janahi, emphasized the importance of cooperation between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Arab Labor Organization to achieve social justice worldwide.

This came during her participation in the events of the 50th session of the Arab Labor Conference in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, organized by the Arab Labor Organization.

Janahi stressed that social justice can only be achieved through fair and lasting peace, which highlights the importance of coordination between the international organization and regional organizations.

She underlined the necessity of taking into account the regional orientations of member states in the International Labour Organization when making decisions, especially regarding sensitive issues such as the project on the right to strike.

She explained that it is wise and prudent not to transfer the proposal’s approval to the International Court of Justice, and it is necessary to discuss and vote on it in the General Assembly of the ILO.

In another context, Janahi expressed her deep concern about the humanitarian situation in Gaza and called on the international community to make more efforts to stop the violence and provide assistance to the Palestinian people.

She also emphasized the importance of rehabilitating the Palestinian workforce and supporting Palestinian entrepreneurs.

Concluding her address, Janahi called for a reconsideration of traditional funding patterns for entrepreneurial projects and suggested benefiting from the experiences of other countries in this field, such as the “orange economy” that relies on knowledge and creativity.