*** ----> Tamkeen and iFranchise promote international expansion of Bahraini enterprises | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tamkeen and iFranchise promote international expansion of Bahraini enterprises

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbhrain.com

The Labour Fund Tamkeen unveiled a new programme to support commercial franchising for Bahraini enterprises.

The announcement came during an event that hosted key stakeholders from the ecosystem and highlighted the importance of franchising for businesses through a panel of experts and entrepreneurs who have succeeded with this venture.

In collaboration with Export Bahrain and iFranchise Facilities Services LLC, a specialist in global franchise rights consulting, the initiative provides comprehensive support for commercial franchising, empowering Bahraini enterprises to venture into new markets worldwide.

Tamkeen Chief Executive, Maha Abdulhameed Mofeez said: “This support highlights the ability of Bahraini enterprises to stand out and compete regionally and globally, helping them achieve their expansion goals.”

Export Bahrain CEO, Safa Sharif A. Khaliq reiterated the significance of collaborative efforts aimed at growing Bahraini exports and expanding their global footprints.

Mark Seibert, CEO of iFranchise Facilities Services said: “Through this new program, we will explain the subtleties of franchising activities and highlight the different approaches to franchising, licensing and successfully promoting brands in different markets, as well as how to attract the right investors and partners.”