*** Gymfinity girls win laurels | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Gymfinity girls win laurels

Manama: Gymfinity, the Gymnastics Academy at the BSB, won 22 medals, 11 gold, 3 silver and 8 bronze at  Manama Challenge hosted by Middle East Gymnastics Association(MEGA)in Manama.   A squad of 14 gymnasts from BSB , aged 7-14  competed   within their age groups, against gymnasts from   Oman and Dubai, on Floor, Beam and Vault.   BSB pupils  Charlotte Rodney, Carolina de Ambrosis Vigna, Laya Barghuthi, Elle Harris and Frederikke La Cour all rose to the occasion and shone on the day.   

Charlotte achieved second  place on Floor and first  place on Beam and Vault which earned her overall first  place for the Level 2  11+ girls competition.

‘We did extremely well considering it was our first one. I was also very nervous but I managed to overcome my fear and it all payed off well,’Charlotte Rodney said.

Carolina and Laya gained first place on the Vault for the Level 3 11 + and 8-9 girl competitions respectively.

‘It was a little scary because the CHAOSS gym was way bigger and really different from our gym. But in the end and over all I did really well!,’ Laya Barghuthi said.

‘I was a bit nervous in the beginning, but then it was OK!,’ Carolina de Ambrosis Vigna said.

Elle and Frederikke were the run- away winners in their category, the Level 2 8 and under girls competition. Frederikke earned third  place on Floor and second  place on Vault and her combined scored placed her second  overall. Elle achieved first  place in all elements which naturally earned her the overall first  place for her category.