*** A Thank You Note From Edna Sequeira | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A Thank You Note From Edna Sequeira

Fifty years have gone by fast. The Indian School was my life. They took a chance on me and I will never forget that. They stood by me through thick and thin. I will be eternally grateful for that. The outpourings from students these past few weeks have been overwhelming.

I was truly blessed to have each and every one of you as my student. We have shared all kinds of moments: happy, sad, fun, magical. Such incredible memories, such meaningful adventures. We stepped away from our comfort zones and dived into so many unforgettable experiences.

Moving forward, I realized I had a worry.  Whether I was really a good teacher or did I just know how to relate to my students?  And I remembered you.  All of you.  All of you taught me about what matters the most. 

That what you wanted was to be seen and cared about.  To be taught personally and with care.  I’ve got that now, thanks to you. You taught me everything it means to be a teacher, to be a better person in this world, to never assume you know why someone acts the way they do, and to be open and present in the moment in the classroom and outside of it.

You have amazed me by your brilliance, your achievements and your endeavours.   I know you all have your individual struggles and battles, but those same struggles and battles empower you and make you a better person.

I’m so thankful for all your smiles and hugs. I’m grateful for all we have shared. Thanks for opening your hearts and letting me be part of your lives, but I’d especially like to thank you for helping me become a better person. Thank you for making me feel that my job was never just a job, but a passion.

I hope that no matter where your future takes you, you will continue the learning process- keep reading, keep writing, keep seeking knowledge. The more we know, the better people we become and I believe that. I would hope that you stay open minded and above all...never stop learning!