*** ----> Indian Schools to mark BR Ambedkar's birth anniversary | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian Schools to mark BR Ambedkar's birth anniversary

The 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the principal architect of the Indian constitution and a pioneering social reformer and first law minister of India, is being celebrated by the Embassy of India   in association with various Indian schools in Bahrain. As part of the programme, the Indian Embassy will be celebrating the birth anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar at Asian School, today  from 9 to 11 am.  There will be cultural programme featuring debate, speech and quiz    on Dr. Ambedkar.

Thereafter, Bahrain Indian School(BIS) will be hosting an event today from 12 to 1 pm for christening its library on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, which will be inaugurated by Indian  Ambassador Alok Kumar Sinha.  Separately, Dr. Ambedkar International Mission is also organizing an event tomorrow 5:30 pm   at Elite Grande Hotel, Seef where Dr. Krishna Kamble, an eminent social thinker will be delivering a lecture on ‘Dr. Ambedkar’s Dream of India.’

Dr B. R Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was one of the architects of the Indian Constitution. He was a well-known politician and an eminent jurist. Ambedkar’s efforts to eradicate the social evils like untouchability and caste restrictions were remarkable. The leader, throughout his life, fought for the rights of the dalits and other socially backward classes.  He was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour in 1990. 

Ambedkar’s legacy as a socio-political reformer, had a deep effect on modern India.  In post-Independence India, his socio-political thought is respected across the political spectrum. His initiatives have influenced various spheres of life and transformed the way India today looks at socio-economic policies, education and affirmative action through socio-economic and legal incentives. His reputation as a scholar led to his appointment as free India’s first law minister, and chairman of the committee for drafting the constitution.

 Ambedkar was voted the “Greatest Indian” in 2012 by a poll organised by History TV18 and CNN IBN. Nearly 20 million votes were cast, making him the most popular Indian figure since the launch of the initiative.  Due to his role in economics, Narendra Jadhav, a notable Indian economist, has said that Ambedkar was “the highest educated Indian economist of all times.”  Amartya Sen, said that Ambedkar is “father of my economics”, and “he was highly controversial figure in his home country, though it was not the reality. His contribution in the field of economics is marvelous and will be remembered forever.”  The President of the United States of America Barack Obama addressed the Indian parliament in 2010, and referred to Dalit leader Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the great and revered Human Rights champion and main author of India’s constitution.