*** ----> Summer Music Concert 2016 at British School Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Summer Music Concert 2016 at British School Bahrain

A phenomenal array of talent, dedication and enthusiasm was shown in this year’s Summer Music Concert 2016 at British School Bahrain ( BSB). Staff and students alike came together to produce a fantastically enjoyable evening, to showcase the musical heart of the school, that is forever growing and expanding into the future.With contrasts in musical styles ranging from Beethoven to Bieber, the concert flowed smoothly, with a juxtaposition of solo acts, duets and ensembles of all textures and timbres. The level of support and encouragement between the students was touching to see, emphasizing the closeness of the musical community within the BSB, showing how important music is to the wellbeing of a school.

Perhaps most importantly, Music at the BSB gives everyone the chance to perform and get involved, ranging from musicians just starting out to seasoned performers and composers. The Summer Concert of 2016 will be one of many memorable musical events to come, demonstrating the excellence that beats from within the heart of the BSB.   

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