*** ----> From dawn to dusk | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

From dawn to dusk

The work-life balance is an elusive goal for every working individual. Time at the office and at home are two divisions in a day. Majority of us face the pressure of keeping both the sides upright and steady so that neither turns into a failure. Prioritizing between both becomes the primary concern. 

A typical example of a man, before leaving for work, who promises to take his family out for dinner but ends up reaching late due to loads of work that was dumped on him since morning can easily explain how pitiable his situation would turn into once he faces an angry wife and kids at the door. What exactly is his folly? Should he have not made a promise if he couldn’t keep it? Or should he have neglected work and arrived home on time? On the other hand, how can he make time for himself? These blurry questions put forward together may not have simple answers. 

There are many instances of children being ignored by parents due to their tight work schedule. Many relationships are known to be affected. Too much work can also deteriorate mental and physical well-being. This problem has been prevailing since not just recently; it has been the talk of the time always. Even though many workplaces have incorporated the policy of less working hours and the  option of working from home, it has not proved that useful. Probably time management and balancing is not practiced that effectively. Work is imperative and demanding, thus people need to cease complaining and use few actionable tips. First and the foremost, a sound sleep of eight hours can help in beginning a successful day. It is necessary to learn how to follow a systematic schedule and strictly adhering to it. 

Making time for ourselves and family is the most important of all. No work has the right to reign over personal time. Allot a specific time to be spent with loved ones and make sure they understand that sometimes things do not move in the way they are directed. After all, the motive behind hard work is to nurture and look after them. Make time for a stroll in the park or to dine with friends. Take time to think and make decisions without getting frustrated. A break can always help in resuming back to work with a fresh mind. Remove trivial jobs from your schedule rather than getting crammed up with all the important work left undone in the end. You can finish them later. Maybe chasing too much money can also hinder your work-life balance so it is better to remain satisfied with what we already possess though it is always appreciable to aspire to heights. 

Lastly, do not put yourself in situations you cannot control. Not everyone can devote themselves hundred percent to each task. Be assertive and make purposeful choices as to what you want in your life and what you don’t.

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