*** ----> New house captains at St Christopher’s School | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

New house captains at St Christopher’s School

Manama : New house captains have been announced at  St Christopher’s School for the new academic year. In the Primary School, each House has a group of House Captains from Year 6 and a Head of House who is a member of staff. They are responsible for collecting and checking the House point totals and sharing news in House assemblies that take place each term for Nursery through to Year 6 pupils.

St Christopher’s School has a long established House System to which all pupils from Nursery to Year 13 belong. The Houses are named after birds of prey which are native to the Gulf region and synonymous with Arab culture. The Houses also have colours so that pupils are easily identified in events such as Sports Days and Swimming Galas: Falcon – Red /Kestrel – Blue / Merlin – Green / Osprey – Yellow.

Family members are placed in the same House as their siblings to ensure there is no family rivalry! Staff in the school are also placed in a House, ensuring that all Houses are well supported. Pupils across the School collect House points which contribute to the grand House total. 

House Points are awarded by all teachers for things such as effort, achievement, good behaviour and sportsmanship. There are House events throughout the year. These include Sports Days and Swimming Galas for each Year group. In the Infant and Junior Schools there is also a week of Inter-House sports where Year 2 to Year 6 selects a team to represent their House in sports, such as volleyball, basketball and football.

In addition to the sporting side of our House system, there are also opportunities for the children to represent their House in Maths, English and other areas of school life throughout the year. Pupils wear their House T-shirts and wave House flags during these times. Competition is fierce, but good sportsmanship prevails, as when final points are read out, all Houses receive equal applause.

Taking pride in your House and in your House’s achievements are big parts of life for pupils at St Christopher’s and everyone wears their House colours with pride.

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