*** ----> Bahrain Indian School students explore Al Areen | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Indian School students explore Al Areen

Children learn and retain better if, they are exposed to practical knowledge. Hence, field trips give the educators a platform to let the children explore and experiment the knowledge gathered in classrooms.

To justify the point stated above, Bahrain Indian School(BIS) students of KG 1 and 2 visited Al  Areen Wildlife Park  where they witnessed different   species of animals and birds. They were accompanied by their respective teachers and caretakers. Children were thrilled and overjoyed by looking at the wildlife. The learning did not finish in the park; it was carried over to the classrooms too- where they created artistic drawings with the help of their teachers on what they observed in the park thereby  creating a collage of Al- Areen  in the school. 

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