*** ----> World Kindness Day at St. Christopher's School Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

World Kindness Day at St. Christopher's School Bahrain

St. Christopher's Senior School, Bahrain celebrated World Kindness Day on November 13. The Community Service Captains led and organised activities for the event.

In the morning, a team of service captains greeted students upon their arrival into school to wish them a ‘Happy World Kindness Day’ and gave them a happy stamp on their hand. At break time, card stalls were set up in a variety of locations across the school where students and teachers could come to design a card and arrange for it to be delivered to a friend.

The card stalls were very popular and the community service captains were overwhelmed with deliveries to organise during registration the following day.

Cards were decorated with a variety of different messages and illustrations to wish people happiness and good wishes.


This was a wonderful, student-led event that involved students and staff from across the whole Senior School.For more information, please visit the following website: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/world-kindness-day