*** NMS-DPS takes part in Scholar’s Cup | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

NMS-DPS takes part in Scholar’s Cup

ManamaThe students of New Millennium School – DPS Bahrain, after qualifying at the regional round in January, participated in the Global Round at Hanoi from June 26 to July 1. 

Thirteen students participated in the Junior and Senior categories where students explored guiding questions in history, technology, literature, science and arts and applied their learning through debating, writing, challenge, bowl and other problem solving events. 

The other community events where the students participated were Scholar’s Scavenge, Scholar’s Social, Scholar’s Show, Scholar’s Ball.


Around 3600 Scholar’s from 40 countries worldwide participated in the event.

In the Scholar’s Fair NMS students represented Bahrain and showcased Bahraini Cultures and traditions. 

The students made their mark by winning Gold and Silver Medals in different categories. 

 Junior category

Debate individual

1.Keerthana Venkatesh  - Gold 

2.Joel Zacharia  - Silver

3.    Shruti Mishra – Silver

4.    Nidhi  Sabade - Silver 

5.    Mehek Mehrotra – Silver

Collaborative writing (individual)

1.    Isha Gupta - Silver

2.    Keerthana Venkatesh – Silver

3.Mehek Mehrotra – Gold (Position in top 40)


Scholars challenge


1.    Joel Zacharia – Gold


1.    Joel Zacharia – Silver


1.    Adarsh Mechakkattil – Silver


1.    Isha Gupta, Shruti Mishra, Nidhi Sabade - Silver

2.Joel Zacharia, Keerthana Venkatesh, Pritha Balu -  Silver

Collaborative writing

1.Keerthana Venkatesh  ,Joel Zacharia, Pritha Balu – Silver

2.Mehek Mehrotra, Treshe Singh, Urvi Garg – Silver

School champion scholar - junior category

1.Joel Zacharia – Grade 

Da Vinci Scholar

1.Hridam Saha  - Gold (Position in top 40)


Senior category

Senior bowl

1.Parthviba . K. – Silver 

2.Sri Krishna Suveer - Silver 

Debate (individual)

1.    Parthviba . K. - Silver

2.Sri Krishna Suveer – Silver

Social studies

1.Sri Krishna Suveer 


1.Sri Krishna Suveer 


1.Sri Krishna Suveer 

School champion scholar - senior category

1.Sri Krishna Suveer