*** ----> AMAIUB joins the NAC celebration | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

AMAIUB joins the NAC celebration

To show its profound support to the Kingdom’s celebrations which promote the principles of patriotism, belongingness, and unity, AMA International University-Bahrain (AMAIUB) actively joined the National Action Charter (NAC) Day festivities which was organized by the Ministry of Education headed by the Education Minister Dr. Majid  Al Nuaimi on February 14.

One of the activities was a display of students’ projects at the NAC monument. Along with the other universities, AMAIUB also exhibited two its best student graduation projects which could benefit the members of the community and can actually be transformed into entrepreneurial endeavours.


The University also participated in the parade and other activities and extended its best wishes to the Kingdom’s leaders and the Bahrainis on the 16th anniversary of the NAC.

AMAIUB reaffirms its commitment to the Kingdom’s directives especially on the promotion of quality and excellent higher education.

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